GOCA Scholarship Distinction — Tecnológico de Monterrey Leaders of Tomorrow Program

With the aim of empowering exceptional and dedicated young individuals committed to shaping a better society, the GOCA Scholarship Distinction was introduced in 2019. Today, the scholarship is awarded to women with a keen interest in sciences and technology.
In 2019, Diana Guadalupe García Aguirre became the inaugural recipient of this distinction. In June 2023, Diana graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Hidalgo, as a Computer Science and Technology Engineer, specializing in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, receiving the prestigious CENEVAL Award for Excellence in Performance (EGEL in Spanish).

She was also acknowledged for achieving the highest GPA in her field and received a distinction for academic excellence. Currently, she serves as a Software Developer at Oracle, located in the Mexico Development Center in Jalisco.

The second GOCA scholarship was awarded in August 2023 to Itzel Lelylani Hernández, who is now pursuing her career in Chemical Engineering. In Grupo GOCA and Iniciativa GOCA, we remain dedicated to supporting young individuals in the program and extend an invitation to more organizations and companies to join us as donors.

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